Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fun with Sea Otters

First off, I just wanted to say sorry that I have not gone into more detail about what I am posting pictures of but it's hard for me to label them like the last blog I had through my Mac. It sucks, but blogspot is free and I haven't quite figured out how everything on here works. 

Anyways, these pictures are of some wild sea otters that were collected in Monterey Bay for SORAC (Sea Otter Research And Conservation) that is run through the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The important looking guy in all the pics is Dr. Mike!!! What they did was tag, measure, weigh, etc, and release them back into the bay. The best part was that they let me touch them while they were knocked out! One Otter had surgery to implant some sort of radio tracking device that uploads a ton of information for the researchers like depth, temperature, etc.  Yeah, I never thought I would get so excited about a mere mammal like a sea otter. ;) But I have to admit it was pretty cool.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A few Outer Bay and Deep Reef Pics!

Getting the Great White shark!

Arrival of the great white shark was very exciting! These are just some pictures of her getting moved from the transport tank to the Outer Bay exhibit. She is eating and doing very well now. But the first few days we had her she was on 24 hour watch. It was really fun staying late at the aquarium to watch her! 
There is a youtube video of the entire thing after the pics. And no Mom, I am not in it! So don't even try to find me. I stuck behind the camera. :D  

Splash Zone!

Kelp Zone Pictures!!!!